(+34) 669 549 526 [email protected]

First step: Lease agrement

First step without a doubt (if you are not living in a friends house) is to get a «contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda habitual«, valid. This is crucial to secure to peaceful stay in any of the basque cities.

Having a «contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda de uso temporal o vacacional» will not be valid for this purposes. Also a book with any platform like airbnb, although it is for more than 6 months will not be valid.

At the moment, it is also possible to rent a room within and an appartment. The agreement will have to be called «contrato de arrendamiento de habitación para uso habitual».

The agreement in both cases (flat or room) has to be for at least 6 months.

Second one: Get your padrón

Right after signing your lease agreement you can go to any of the «oficinas municipales with your Identification card and your «contrato de arrendamiento de habitación o vivienda habitual» and apply for your padrón.

¿TRABAJAS EN EL PAÍS VASCO? Analizamos los requisitos del régimen especial de trabajadores desplazados a Euskadi y gestionamos su solicitud de inicio a fin.
Asesoría especializada en Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa y Araba.

¡Infórmate más aquí!


In Bilbao, here are the places to go managing your Padrón.

It is important to know that the «Volante» or document stating that you are living in the house has a validity of 3 months for any official purposes. After that, no worries, you just need to go to renew it.

Why is so important your «padrón» o to be «empadronado»

Well, this is the beginning of your new legal stay in any city in Euskadi or in Spain. The padrón will give you access to:

  • Apply for a NIE
  • Apply for a TIE
  • Be beneficary in the future of social aids
  • State your tax residency in the Basque Country
  • Be able to use osakidetza (the public social security here)

Third: Make sure you comply with immigration and tax requirements

Once your accomodation and your inscription with the Councy Hall is done you can now breathe knowing that a big step has been taken to leave safe and sound in the Basque Country

In Expat Easy we can help you with this actions.